New World Order

Posted by Kyle on 8/21/2008 10:13:00 PM
While scanning articles online, I bumped into an interesting piece that appeared on Pravda today.

If I read right from what the Russians are saying about freezing all military cooperation with NATO, it sounds pretty much like;

And they're damn straight in saying so, thanks to Bush & Condi along with our ever growing list of neocon gangbangers.

Told you so!

Here's to the new world order.


War Nerd

Posted by Kyle on 8/20/2008 07:56:00 AM
Having had the opportunity to sit back & relax, it somehow helped tone down my rhetoric against the recent events in Eastern Europe.

When this whole conflict exploded 'disproportionately', as humorously defined by Gary Brecher, over at The Exiled; a Mark Ames underground gonzo journal with a substantial readership (myself & Jemma included), I was constantly banging on the drums that it's a conflict we should win to push forward democracy.

But not any more.

First, this isn't a conflict where democracy is the question but rather an issue where satellite states from the former Warsaw Pact are seeking attention from the West.

Second, if I had any authority, I'd haul Saakashvilli's rear end into an International Court and have him prosecuted for war crimes and crimes against the human race.

Third, I'd commence an impeachment process against Bush & Rice for dragging the US into an unwanted conflict.

Meanwhile, two essays helped me see this whole conflict from a different angle:

Any one remotely interested can read them here and here.


Check Mate?

Posted by Kyle on 8/16/2008 06:06:00 PM
Almost everybody I know. Wait, make that almost everybody whose words I take seriously are of the opinion that the fucking morons in Georgia went trigger happy in Ossetia.

End result? Got their asses kicked big time by the humongous Russians on the other side.

And they fucking deserved it, the Georgians that is and by that I don't mean the common people of Georgia but Shashlik Saakasvilli and his gang. But things don't turn out the way one wants them to be, do they, and that's because Shashlik Saakasvilli is probably well-bunkered with a promise from the neocons that they've got his back.

But for how long, this one's going to last remains to be seen.

Meanwhile, the Poles have just signed a death warrant with the neocons and the stupid Ukrainians are next in tow.

But four months down the road, what's to come, now that sounds like fun. Maybe, these are signs of another upcoming Bolshevik revolution to keep these morons in check?

Or maybe this time the Russians will simply fire and forget and we can't do shit?


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