
Posted by Kyle on 1/21/2009 08:03:00 AM
I guess, it's noble to rejoice when you fire away but God forbid you're fired-upon;

Now, that's construed as disproportionate.


Shoe dude update

Posted by Kyle on 1/19/2009 07:33:00 PM
I was under the impression that the Iraqi dude that hurled shoes at Bush was a national, if not a regional hero for his brave act live on prime time.

Even Ethel Fenig - a conservative blogger over at American Thinker - wrote that Mr. Shoe had received many proposals amongst them an over-ambitious Egyptian dudette that wanted her 15-minutes of fame & popularity.

From the look of recent news, it appears the tables have turned all of a sudden, as the second wave of Mr. Shoe news just hit mainstream media.

The Huffington Post now reports that Mr. Shoe is seeking asylum in Switzerland while ignoring all those countries in the region that cheered him on first sight.

Now that's a total sign of disrespect towards all those that considered him a Hero. It's also some form of cowardice, his intention I mean for sliding into the limelight.


1300 = Victory?

Posted by Kyle on 1/19/2009 12:12:00 PM
This is a first.

Personally, I would have preferred a war crimes tribunal to judge his funky rear.

But for now, I'll settle for a Nobel, if there's one for absurdity, per se.

Bravo, well done.


Nation, power & nonviolence

Posted by Kyle on 1/19/2009 10:52:00 AM


I thought of linking The Nation's recent article 'The Power of Nonviolence' in case no one had access to this brilliant article.

No matter how severe a conflict involving various parties, resorting to hate-mongering and violence is definitely not the right way to up the ante unless that is a prime objective of a phantom under guise.

Read on to be enlightened.


Do it right

Posted by Kyle on 1/18/2009 08:40:00 AM
How it all gets done;

Practice in reality <.!.>


First draft

Posted by Kyle on 1/18/2009 07:59:00 AM
Say you have a dude standing across the fence you claim to be yours.

Say you don't like this dude.

And each day you stand on your dilapidated side of the fence and yell at him to leave.

Well-bunkered dude across the fence has no intention to leave.

This goes on, and on, and on.

One fine day, you decide it's time to get physical.

Dude across stands with a bazooka not yelling 'bring it on'.

What do you do?


Shoe-acide news

Posted by Kyle on 1/17/2009 07:34:00 AM
The first sign of shoe-acide hero quaking in his Floersheims.

Wasn't this guy considered a hero?

I wonder what this brief-moment-of history dude is thinking as of now?

Don't know about others but I, for one, wouldn't want to be in his shoes now.

And that's final.


What is freedom?

Posted by Kyle on 1/16/2009 02:05:00 PM
A sneak preview of what America affords you;

Ability to speak foolishly

Free speech

I wonder what holocaust deniers would make of that disgraceful Young Lady?



Posted by Kyle on 1/16/2009 10:28:00 AM


Word update

Posted by Kyle on 1/15/2009 09:50:00 PM
Ethel Fenig presents an interesting take on the much talked-about word of these days.

Click for enlightenment.


Word of the day

Posted by Kyle on 1/15/2009 08:14:00 PM

And it's gonzo translation for anyone afflicted with reality-distortion/dyslexically-leaning/weak-minded syndrome;

If you want a translation, luckily I speak fluent Pentagon. So what “disproportionate” means is—well, imagine that you’re watching some little hanger-on who tags along with you get his ass whipped by a bully, and you say, “That’s inappropriate!” I mean, instead of actually helping him. That’s what “disproportionate” means from the Pentagon: “We’re not going to lift a finger to help you, but hey, we’re with you in spirit, little buddy!”

The War Nerd


What makes a serial killer?

Posted by Kyle on 1/15/2009 01:50:00 PM
Focus on this screenie;

Thank God, I'm not into both - LOL


Bestial Wail

Posted by Kyle on 1/15/2009 01:44:00 PM
The bestial wail part takes the cake, here;

Everything else, oh well, is just colored bubbles <..>


More battlefield updates

Posted by Kyle on 1/14/2009 08:37:00 AM
I think it was the summer of 2006 when it was predicted that all new wars would be simultaneously fought along two parallel lines;

First, the kind of on-field carnage we are exposed to through bloody images of carnage courtesy of a soul-less media.

Second, the internet kind fueled by propaganda & distortion of facts.

Both have achieved their objectives having reached full-circle, which is now evident in a bottled fusion of raw emotions & foul-mouthing alliances.

In other words, we're just one-step away from bringing on chills bar frills.


Battlefield rules

Posted by Kyle on 1/14/2009 08:09:00 AM
Also, in continuation to the one-post down, there's lies a hint to the current showdown in the region.

If only, those involved bothered to put two-and-two together instead of applying battlefield rules for a worthless strip of land that'll remain back long after we've called it a day.



Now, let's get back to our bitch-whine-&-complaining.


Beyond belief

Posted by Kyle on 1/14/2009 07:57:00 AM
Seadragon, a relapsed Notre Dame Alma Mater has this to say about his new-found beliefs;

Personally, I think he's a weirdo but the caricature to a certain extent does make a point, IMHO, especially in these times that are a testing!


How does one stay safe?

Posted by Kyle on 1/13/2009 08:51:00 AM
The answer is depicted in the unlimited creative imagination sent over by my The Notre Dame fraternity. The note attached to this image said;

'Bro, stay safe'!

In other words, it boils down to 'aim + please = refrain from getting ass kicked'!

Yeah right?


The Boss

Posted by Kyle on 1/12/2009 04:49:00 PM



Posted by Kyle on 1/12/2009 12:06:00 PM
Following image sums up the current situation in this region

Just bow wow; woof woof.

In other words; just bark no bite

Bow wow; woof woof



Posted by Kyle on 1/06/2009 02:00:00 PM
While a war is being fought with guns, missiles, bombs and a shitload of cocktail recipes for destruction;

Another one is being fought right here in our own neighborhood through a new-age weaponry called computers;

Welcome to this new-generation disbursement of disinformation in this so-called electronic age.

Welcome to the Internet, a new battlefield in The Art of War.

Welcome to hell.


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