Only Q?

Posted by Kyle on 3/31/2009 08:41:00 AM

"Why do the taxpayers have to assume the majority of the risk on clearing the toxic assets?"
anna banana, San Diego, CA

"President Obama, If the Banking system is receiving money from the goverment at 0 percent, Can you tell me why our interest rates on our credit cards went up 1 percent?"
Hlfpint, Bloomington, MN

"Why isn't there a program for home owners who are paying their mortages on time? Why are we being punished for paying our bills on time?"
Ray, Graytown, Ohio

Will there be any answers?


Gunfight in Marina Corral

Posted by Kyle on 3/31/2009 07:44:00 AM
Wyatt Earp was in town
And the dude still sent down
Law of the land says
Anything's doable
So long it has Wyatt's approval
And so it got done
In a lawless land
With Wyatt still in town


Earth what?

Posted by Kyle on 3/29/2009 08:52:00 AM
Even Google's smitten by it!

Marc Sheppard's take on globally cooling the planet by switching off for an hour while rummaging and rape (of the planet) continues unhindered every other second, minute, hour, day, and night.

Or better put, try and fix what you've deliberately hurt without demonstrating restraint in the first place.

This gig is getting funnier with each new passing year.



Posted by Kyle on 3/26/2009 11:21:00 AM

Totally disappointed with this piece of news coming out of my Alma Mater.

My hat-tip to Bishop John D'Arcy.


3/17 for Paddy

Posted by Kyle on 3/17/2009 07:59:00 PM


Take: Shawarma Style

Posted by Kyle on 3/17/2009 07:12:00 PM
Dubai's predicament on 'to be or not to be', as eloquently belted out by the Shawarma Mayor.

While the whole world talks about Dubai and their intention to cover themselves with a veil, I wonder why the local media rags like Gulf News & Khaleej Times haven't written about it?


No Great Shakes

Posted by Kyle on 3/17/2009 06:10:00 PM
An Emirati family (good friends of ours) accepted our invitation for dinner at our house last night.

Pleasantries exchanged.

Comfy settings and Jemma drops the bomb!

Jem: We've been reading & hearing a lot about a draft law on enforcing disciplinary behavior in Dubai, what's with that? (Jemma's attorney mind considers it to be a draft because it's not hit the mainstream media, as yet).

Emaratiyah: Guys, this really does not apply to you.

Jem: How so? From what I've been reading, it's a law applicable to all (citizens & residents), no? Or am I missing something out of the woodwork?

Emaratiyah: Actually, this stuff has always been in place but never enforced. So, take this purely as a reminder. Having said that, it applies more so towards the rogue generation of teeny boppers (citizens & residents) that feel they can do anything and get away with it.

Jem: Does this reminder imply we'd be seeing moral police in malls, clubs & other socializing venues?

Emaratiyah: No, nothing like that. Dubai will continue its liberal policy but with a watchful eye.

And so I had to step in and change the topic before it went any deeper beyond those lines.

That was a relief because I could actually hear Jemma *sigh* - whatever that was supposed to mean.

And so continues our cat & mouse game of trying to determine and decipher the governing factor that prompted the authorities in Dubai to announce a draft law of acceptable behavior in town.


Caption this

Posted by Kyle on 3/16/2009 07:26:00 PM
Re-posted courtesy Shawarma Mayor (ZIP)

'Who sat me down near the exit sign? I thought I was in for 4 years'



Posted by Kyle on 3/16/2009 06:21:00 PM
This worldwide recession is definitely an eye-opener.

I guess it's being there is what matters most these days and the demo here is quite optimally optic, don't you say?

Take this case of a woman that put up a webpage to help her husband find a job. Although, I doubt he'd be interested in taking up one up thousands of miles away from the West Coast.

But still, what intrigues me is her ingenious way that grabbed CNN's attention.

And who said talent was rare these days?


Hey Dude?

Posted by Kyle on 3/16/2009 07:50:00 AM
'A lie repeated over a period of time eventually becomes the truth'

Michael Moore coined it in his 'Dude, where's my country' when he went a gung-ho at Bush & Co., post 9/11 fall-outs.

Look, don't get me wrong.

I'm no fan of this dude in spite of his Irish or Catholic roots but this one's a home run.

And to the curious minded, this line's a fact no matter who debunks it!


Ethical Doldrums!

Posted by Kyle on 3/15/2009 09:29:00 AM
Everybody is talking about the enforcement of a decency code in Dubai while one of the Emirates newspapers writes about attractive offers.

One thing's for sure, it'll be fun to see if any Moral Poh-leece would be policing the streets similar to Saudi Arabia.


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