No Great Shakes

Posted by Kyle on 3/17/2009 06:10:00 PM
An Emirati family (good friends of ours) accepted our invitation for dinner at our house last night.

Pleasantries exchanged.

Comfy settings and Jemma drops the bomb!

Jem: We've been reading & hearing a lot about a draft law on enforcing disciplinary behavior in Dubai, what's with that? (Jemma's attorney mind considers it to be a draft because it's not hit the mainstream media, as yet).

Emaratiyah: Guys, this really does not apply to you.

Jem: How so? From what I've been reading, it's a law applicable to all (citizens & residents), no? Or am I missing something out of the woodwork?

Emaratiyah: Actually, this stuff has always been in place but never enforced. So, take this purely as a reminder. Having said that, it applies more so towards the rogue generation of teeny boppers (citizens & residents) that feel they can do anything and get away with it.

Jem: Does this reminder imply we'd be seeing moral police in malls, clubs & other socializing venues?

Emaratiyah: No, nothing like that. Dubai will continue its liberal policy but with a watchful eye.

And so I had to step in and change the topic before it went any deeper beyond those lines.

That was a relief because I could actually hear Jemma *sigh* - whatever that was supposed to mean.

And so continues our cat & mouse game of trying to determine and decipher the governing factor that prompted the authorities in Dubai to announce a draft law of acceptable behavior in town.



1st off, trust me, no Emaratis are close or good friends of yours.

2nd, if this was for "teens..." or any other sub-sect it would be clearly defined. this is a law, drafted by the deputy ruler of Dubai.

Ruler. this isnt a democracy, the rules dont apply to some and not others. Dubai is OWNED by the Al Maktoom family.

3. It is not a "draft" law as (see above,) the deputy ruler of Dubai has issued it with the blessing of the executive council.

4. Most (over 90%) of Emaratis would LOVE Saudi style moral police on the streets and in the malls. And if that were to happen it would be welcomed.

5. As I tell everyone, you have no choice. this is the law. We let foreigners "self govern" and what we got in return was skanks on every corner. So now this "reminder" is set in writing. You have 2 choice, comply, or dont. in which case the repercussions are listed for you ahead of time.

"Dubai will be just a liberal" oh? Is that so? The very fact that this law was set into play is the best proof of the exact opposite.

6. If no moral police are on the streets, how will this be enforced? by Emaratis like me, running around on the weekend with the security gaurds at malls asking them to throw people out OR I'll call the police.

The fact that they dont want to lose their jobs will be enough for them to comply.

Be safe!

Appreciate your inputs.

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