by play do they mean 'party'?
The term 'play', particularly in this app sounds loose & wild. I guess that's the target & objective in hosting this 7.6 MB package on App Store.
This program is actually getting a lot of criticism - firstly, they've plagiarised Monocle's design and secondly, they've plagiarised other travel writing content - which is obvious to travel writers on Dubai such as myself from the choice of inclusions (some of those places have closed long ago) and the fact they haven't updated the practicalities.
No matter what it looks like, it's of no use to travellers if the places no longer exist and the information about them is wrong. It shows it was either made by amateurs or by people who only cared about 'the look' of the thing and not about showing travellers a good time by giving them a high quality product. Very frustrating to people like me who do this for a living and take care to produce high quality content. Great idea, though.