All Clear

Posted by Kyle on 6/22/2008 08:11:00 AM
So, now that the terror threat has been decimated, we can all head back to the malls, ice rink and have a whale of a time courtesy of the summer surprise.

Except that our kids are eager to get on a plane to see their grandma & grandpa, friends & families and spend the summer on the East Coast and the Midwest.

How lucky for them while we are stuck here for just over a month to experience the scorching heat with their catchy phrase 'be careful' ringing in our ears all the time.

And why the hell not, for we have got King Kong and The Hulk watching our backs.


Utopian Warmth

Posted by Kyle on 6/19/2008 08:23:00 AM
We are halfway through our second year in the Emirates and have yet to experience real wet weather although it did rain a bit the day President Bush was in town early this year.

And then it went away, and returned in teenie droplets and went away never to return again.

That was a good luck charm, echo our kids and joining them we say 'he ought to be here more often' to bring us respite from the utopian heat.

While the rest of the world soaks, the place is dry, damned, and doomed as hell.

Global warming, at its peak, in boomtown Utopia.


2003 versus 2008

Posted by Kyle on 6/18/2008 07:51:00 AM
Back in 2003, the comical Iraqi information minister Mohammad Saeed al-Sahhaf, debunked the presence of American troops in Iraq.

Will it be deja vu in 2008, considering this report?

What's interesting though is a city Police Chief debunking intel reports instead of the Federal Ministry of Interior.

It's amazing the way the system works here.


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