Two bomshells

Posted by Kyle on 1/05/2010 08:17:00 AM
The first, early December 2009
The second, early January 2010

Motivation: Power & legal tender

Under ordinary circumstances, I would have bought all this (leaning false bravado) talk about Arabian gesture of generosity that so many ignorant asses vehemently amplify but these aren't ordinary circumstances. They stopped being ordinary, the day Dubai beamed to the whole world, seeking a postponement on their loan payments. I wonder where were those so-called Arabian (you watch my back, I watch yours) gestures of brotherhood & generosity then?

Right now, it looks like someone, all along, had a gun pointed at someone with the biggest smile in the world, all set finger on the trigger when pulled had a bang banner popping out instead of lead.

So much for Russian Roulette.

And it worked too, like a charm!

Dubai's latest flashy icon, the 150+ tower just got rebaptized BK in a frenzied game of Russian Roulette.

So much for all those hokey gestures of brotherhood & generosity.

Mohammed bin Rashid may have put Dubai on the map but it came at a price tag and all the more for wrong reasons.

The moral. Gone are all those glorious days when brotherhood was the rule of the day. Now, it's mostly a world where (a) dog eat dog is the order of the day.



It's sad, but true.

I'm not sure whatever happened to the tiny little country and its towns. The caring, giving people who actually didn't have much in wealth back then, but gave much. Whatever happened to my warm and simple neighbours, their genuine smiles -- their big warm cars, the long rides in to the desert or just being in their company listening to the call for prayer.

Kyle, I wish you, and most newer folks had the chance to experience a (well kept) secret little town, my brothers, friends and I were raised. Despite the short comings, it was wonderful.

OK perhaps much rhetoric :)

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