Hey Dude?

Posted by Kyle on 3/16/2009 07:50:00 AM
'A lie repeated over a period of time eventually becomes the truth'

Michael Moore coined it in his 'Dude, where's my country' when he went a gung-ho at Bush & Co., post 9/11 fall-outs.

Look, don't get me wrong.

I'm no fan of this dude in spite of his Irish or Catholic roots but this one's a home run.

And to the curious minded, this line's a fact no matter who debunks it!



I found something funnier on the site - "Draft Oprah". Basically Oprah for president. *shiver*

It made me shiver too but then I realized Mikey Moore was just pulling a fast one, you know trying to be funny and all that jazz.

Do read the book, if you get a chance. It's an eye opener.

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